Angel Mary and The Tennessee Werewolves is a new family trio Country sensation that bring a rebel yell to country music!
The band consists of Angel Mary on Lead Vocals and Guitar, Christian Wolf on Vocals and Drums, and Antoine Wolf on Vocals and Bass Guitar. The group brings a cool collective sound of old fashion dixie roots, bluegrass picking, Haggard-styled lyrics, and rocking high energy vocals.
Having a name as unique as this band, Angel Mary & The Tennessee Werewolves push forward on their music endeavors by reaching out and stepping out of the box. The name being derived from Johnny Cash and his song the Beast in Me from his American Recordings sparked the band to record Folsom Prison Blues, a song they hold close to heart. Not only did the band record this new epic single at the Cash Cabin where the American Recordings were recorded, they also had John Carter Cash co-produce the single and play an acoustic track on it, giving it the “Cash” stamp of approval!
Learn more about Angel Mary and The Tennessee Werewolves here: www.tennesseewerewolves.com